Friday, May 28, 2021




28th may 2021

#144 Decimal Lane,

 Formula village

Dear Madame Addition,

I’m writing this letter to inform you of my unconditional love for you although we're not quite the same. A fun fact about us is that we've been a part of different mathematical topics such as Pythagoras theorem, Algebra, Bodmas , Trigonometry and many more of our whole lives. The first official evidence of addition is that Egyptians and Babylonians used it in 2000 B.C. The symbols of addition and subtraction were invented around the 16th century, but before that, the equations were written in words, making it really time-consuming to solve the problems.

“Darling, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. I can still remember that day and I still cannot get my eyes out of you, for you are so beautiful, the lady of my life. I love you. Sweetheart, I'll always love you till the end of time.”

When I first heard your name I knew we were meant to be, I knew you'd bring out the positive side of me.In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras's theorem is a statement about the sides of a right triangle. One of the angles of a right triangle is always equal to 90 degrees. ... The hypotenuse is the side opposite to the right angle, and it is always the longest side. It was discovered by Vasudha Arora. 

Darling I'm the inverse of you and you're the inverse of me. I can't see my life without you, you'll be taking away our future and our happiness There is an inverse relationship between us both. If a math fact is considered, for example 3 + 7 = 10. Then the following are also true: 10 - 3 = 7. 

Please accept that were meant to be i’ll like to add our lives back together, i'd liked if you'd consider my proposal if you don't accept  i'll understand

Yours Sincerely,

Mr subtraction


Mathematics,consuming%20to%20solve%20the%20problems. › addition




Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Math Love Letter To Mr.Prime Number From Ms.Even Number

 By Ashana Hines

To: Mr.Prime 
From: Ms.Even 
Date:May 24th, 2021
Address: #36 Parity Street

Dear Mr.Prime Number,

  How are you? I hope all is well. I’m writing this to you to let you know we should put our differences aside and become one again, even though that might be hard.My heart has been divided into two pieces since we broke up but I know for a fact that you are able to fix that division and leave no remainder of the pieces behind. It only takes yourself to accept this letter and let us connect again.
  Mr.Prime you should know that I love you with all my heart. You are my positive integer. We are similar in many ways , hence our differences. There are multiple times where I sat and realized that we are both greater than being one, our duo would be indestructible. You, Mr.Prime and I, Ms.Even , are both whole numbers and together we can have this unstoppable love. Perhaps, I am ready to accept your differences, in only having two factors which are one and yourself , as long as , you can accept me and my insecurities about having more than two factors.
  I will love to take things to the next degree Mr.Prime, if you feel the same, know that I’m only one consecutive away and I’m always here. I hope you enjoyed my letter and once again thank you for your precious time.

                                                        Yours truly,





Monday, May 24, 2021

Math Love Letter (To: Ms. Expression, From: Mr. Equation)

By Alexandria Ferraz. 


Ms. Expression,

#04 Numerical Lane,

Simplification Boulevard,




Mr. Equation,

#02 Equal Sign Street,

Algebraic Avenue,

Theorem Town,


22nd May, 2021


Dear Ms. Expression,

Hope you and your loved ones are safe, well and in good health. Considering the strange times we live in, it’s a shame we couldn’t be together during these lockdowns. It would have been such a pleasure to have some company. Your company, in particular. I wouldn’t be who I am today without your expressions. I’d be lying if I said I’m complete without them.

During the extended period of isolation, I found myself reminiscing over our wonderful time together before life as we knew it came to a sudden pause. Although it did seem like we would be at odds with each other since I’m meant to be solved and you could only be simplified, I still remember the time when people thought we wouldn’t work out because of our differences…

Even if others have their opinions about us, in my eyes you’re a beautiful combination of variables, constants, coefficients and algebraic operations, for example, addition and subtraction. You’re made up of algebraic terms as well, just like me. On the contrary, I’m a mathematical statement in which two expressions are of equal value. This is represented by my equal sign. Some would say we couldn’t complement each other because you don’t have an equal sign. Nonetheless, we’re both used similarly in algebra; to find an unknown variable.

You were probably wondering what I meant by “I wouldn’t be who I am today without your expressions”. I’ll use an analogy to explain what I mean. There’s a concept in English called phrases and sentences, in which a phrase is used to express a singular yet incomplete thought. However, if you add a phrase into a sentence, it’s no longer a lone expression due to the sentence including it with a subject and a verb. What I’m trying to say is this; despite our differences, we still support each other in more ways than we could imagine, and that might be my favorite part about us.

By the way, I was wondering after some of the restrictions are lifted, and if you have some spare time, can we go out to see a movie? I’ve heard there’s some really good action films coming out later this year, this might cure the boredom that we accumulated over this quarantine. Who knows?

Even though the world is upside-down right now, I really hope this letter reaches you, and I also hope the world returns to a state of normality so we may meet again.


Yours truly,

Mr. Equation.


1. Identifying Expressions and Equations. (2018). In Lumen Learning. Retrieved on May 23, 2021 from:

2. S, Surbhi, Difference Between Expression and Equation. Key Differences. Retrieved  May 23, 2021 from:

3. Judd, Pat, Difference between expressions and equations. Youtube. Retrieved  May 23, 2021 from:

Mr. Subtraction's Declaration of Love

 MATH LOVE LETTER     by  Jemarie Sanchez

 Mr. Subtraction, Algebra lodgings, La Horquetta

May 24th, 2021

#288 Inkling drive, Geographic road

 Dear Madame Addition,

                                        This letter is to invite you to volume cafĂ©. This is a declaration of love, a humble request for a date even though we have only known each other for 3 years, I simply cannot wait any longer, please see my reasons as written in the letter.                                   

     I am confessing my love to you in this letter, ever since the day we met at multiplication mart, ever since I saw you adding milk to your cart, summing it up with such precision and certainty humming that gentle tune, I have loved you ,you are a beautiful mystery to me and though we are complete opposites I want to be your 22, I want to be like multiplication and division total opposites that still match up. You are my addition and I am your subtraction.

    We are the foundation of math, we are opposites found in almost every topic, we are in

fractions, algebra, bodmas, arithmetic, interest, volume and more. You and I are everywhere and yet never

come together.

    I want us to do the impossible together with you we shall surpass the negative and negative

equals positive, positive and positive equals negative mentality that the world has, with you

as my inverse operation.

The unthinkable shall be accomplished if we stick with 1, 2, and 3, we can have a fact family:1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 – 2 = 1, 3 – 1 = 2 and because this can be accomplished there is much

more that you and I can do together.

            You can make 1 + 2 = 3 but if we switch places this sum becomes 3 – 2 = 1!

I am the removal of numbers, items etc, while you are the added value of which the number

or item is increased.

       I humbly request that you accept my invitation to volume cafĂ© at 6:00pm on Saturday 

 The 29th of may 2021, if you are unable to attend or do not wish to go with me it is truly your

choice to decline my offer as I put your time into consideration with this invite.

With Love Everlasting,

         Mr. Subtraction













18th MAY, 2021.


I am writing this letter to you to let you know that life without you is not the same for me. Hope you are doing well and your family too. You are on my mind 24/7 and I want to write it down. When I look at your expressions towards me my heart beats  faster and I cannot describe the happiness that invades me from the inside. Trust me when I say you are my ideal mate, I say it from the bottom of my heart because we are not just numbers and symbols but my love...we can solve this problem too with an equal sign.

I never knew the true meaning of your expression till the day I found out our combination of variables, constants, symbols, coefficients, and algebraic operation brings us together and made up two expressions that connected our sentence by using my spark! an equal sign (=). Please help me find something which I have lost, I tried to find it, but I realized that the only person in the entire universe who can help me is you Ms.Expression.I have lost my mathematical statement that says in which two expressions are equal value and even if 1+3 looks different from my darling Ms.expression 4 we still are represented by my equal sign.   

I remember the day when we met in a problem-solving question that had you there standing by yourself single numerical value but on the contrary I... Mr.Equation came into your sum boldface and magically change it by indicating an equal sign (=) whereas I separate the left and right sides of your equation expressions. Hence I know we are total differences in English between a phrase and a sentence...a phrase expression is actually single but is incomplete by itself, but with my equal sign it makes a complete sentence. Therefore if you notice the phrase does not form a complete sentence because equations need two expressions to linked with an equal sign so when you read the words the symbols represent in an equation, then you know you have a complete sentence in English.                                             

I will look forward to those moments when we both meet again. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if it wasn't for my equal sign to bring us together and don't worry my love one day I will take you away from all the stressful problems you been having in those sums. Until that time comes, I will be right here dreaming.

Yours forever,



1)Hentges Beth, How are equation and expression are similar, Quora. Retrieved May 24,2021,

2)Jones, Steve, What is the differences between equation and expression, Quora. Retrieved May 24,2021.

A Love Letter to Madame Addition! by Raveena Marajh


To: Madame Addition

From: Mister Subtraction

#10 Sesame Street, Preysal

May 23th, 2021


Dear Madame Addition,

How are you! I hope you are doing well. I have been willing to tell you something for a very long time now. We have been friends for a long while now as you know…the something I have been meaning to tell you is that I have crush on you. I have always liked you ever since I laid my eyes on you for the first time; I get dĂ©jĂ  vu when I’m with you. I don’t know how you feel about me, you say we are just friends but I swear when nobody is around it’s a different story. I know you like adding could you please add your contact to mine next time I see you. MY love for you is like subtracting by zero…it can’t be defined!

Without you, I’m like a nut set....empty! I hope you don’t feel any pressure reading this letter, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you that’s all. During this pandemic that is happening I have realized how much I have missed you.You are like the back of a math book, because you are the answers to all my problems. One plus two equals me and you, there are 3 parts of addition, the addend, the equal sign, and the sum, can I be part of that too?

 Example how we work well together, Addition determines the whole in terms of parts, and subtraction determines missing parts. Students relate addition and subtraction as inverse operations through the comparison of student strategies and analysis of part-whole relationships. 

Hopefully one day we can be more than just friends, I wish I could pretend I didn't need you but I can't. I hope when we see each other it won’t be weird or anything like that. Hope you enjoy your rest of your day and thank you for taking the time to read this love letter.

Your friend,

Mister Subtraction.

Reference- For pick up lines:

How they work together:














                                                                                #23 Pythagoras Lane

                                                                                                      Square Center


Dear Madame Addition,
                                               I am writing this letter to inform you about my mathematical love towards you. As you know addition and subtraction is commonly known and linked linked in so many different ways in our daily life. imple as 1+1=2 this equation represents you madame addition and what you and 1-1=0 represents me mister subtraction of what i do and there is nothing really different there. Addition and subtraction are linked in a lot of mathematical equations.+ and - are opposites they basically undo each other.
                                              Addition and subtraction we are both mathematical operators .There are so many things we do that are similar alike which makes me want to add you into my life and all my pain will be subtracted and we would be both happy. Simple addition and subtraction are the most common types of calculation when you go to buy or sell something that is of your needs or wants. Subtraction is simply just the opposite of addition for example 15-7=8 when it is really just 15+(-7)=8. 

                                                                                                        Yours Truly With Love
                                                                                                                     Mr. Subtraction


Letter to Madame Addition from Mister Subtraction by Ashton Chapman

To: Madame Addition <3

Date: 23rd May 2021

Address: A-dapple, Book St.

Dear: Madame Addition

Hello Madame Addition! Hope things are well and hope you are safe from this chaotic pandemic we are under on. Since we are on lockdown, I've been missing you a lot over the past few weeks. I absolutely adore and love the way you add things together to form that new number, for example, five + five = ten or twelve + six = eighteen. I also love the way you add words at the end of every number, for example, ten hearts + fifteen hearts = twenty-five hearts in total.                                                                                                                   

You can even add more than two numbers, such as; two + eight + twenty + five, and so on to get the sum number, and the fact that you are literally everywhere around the world LIKE WOW!, Just by adding two whole numbers to get the amount or sum is absolutely stunning.                                                                                                                                   

I just incredibly love how you add things together, it is so satisfying for you to add small, big, or both numbers together. I wish I could be sweet and loving as you to add literally anything together and I on the other hand could only subtract/takeaway numbers for example five subtract two equals three or two subtract two equals zero, no wonder why over the years, I've been sad and depressed all the time because I've been subtracting/reducing myself the whole time from minuend and subtrahend to get my difference until I met you Madame Addition.                                                                                    

You are my everything in life that I always wanted, and out of the three operations of arithmetic excluding me out, I choose you to be with me and forever is because every day I live to see my life getting added by you, one plus smile with an extra one plus love and one plus hugs and kisses equals forever baby <3! 

We were meant for each other my love and I'm so happy that I get to see another plus one extra day with you Madame Addition. Soon enough, you and I will get married someday and have three little numerals together, one little numeral + one little numeral + one little numeral equals three little numerals/sum of the number. 

I love you so much my sweet apple pie Addition, without you, I would still have been subtracting my whole life but since I found you, you have been adding me into your life every day!

Yours sincerely,

Mister Subtraction


"Google Oxford Dictionary for softer meanings" For reference examples. For letter formats examples. for the definition of Addition. for the definition of Subtraction.


Mr. Prime Number from Ms. Even Number by Nicholas Seepersad

 Date: 19\06\1990 

Address: 13 digit street, Summerville. 

Dear: Mr. Prime Number 

I Ms. Even Number is writing to you regarding our relations between the two of us, and why I believe we should be together. 

We are quite the same, you only live by knowing that what you are and one is a part of you, I must say that you are quite odd even though you are nothing of the sort.

I believe that we are meant to be together, I am just myself and I am whole with who I am, nothing about me leaves a remainder. 

      I believe we should be together because… you are yourself and you are unique, you are yourself and even though I am whole and leave nothing behind I am willing to be your one. In light of all of our flaws and imperfection, well at least yours, I can see both of us being meant for each other, you are a whole and you are greater than one, you're two factors are one and yourself, as with me I'm also a whole and I am also greater than one however I am able to be divided into two equal whole numbers we are very different but we are also quite same . I am interested in getting to know you much more Mr. Prime I am sure you can open up to me and tell me all about what you're into, pun intended. 

     If you feel the same about me Mr. Prime I'm always one equation away, if you are interested in taking things to a whole nother inverse I'm always open to your comment on this subject. I would like to thank you for your very valuable time and your concern. 

Yours very respectful :Ms. Even




https \\>math 

Love Letter To: Madam Addition From: Mister Subtraction by Anthony Ramsawak

Mister Subtraction. #20 Arithmetic Street. Telephone: 341-3789 Email:  

21st May 2021
Madam Addition
5th Avenue Integer Street,
Algebra Village.

Dear Madam Addition,

How are you? I hope you and your own circle of relatives are doing well. Fascinating fact, we both belong to one of the oldest mathematical operations taught in Mathematics known as Arithmetic, which originated from the Greek phrase Arithmos, which means number. We’re now no longer best utilized in Arithmetic however extensively utilized in Integers, Rational and Irrational numbers in addition to Algebra because the equal guidelines apply.

Madam Addition, years of friendship have been constructed among us, we’ve visible the superior, the unfortunate, and the sorrowful as time has passed. Since I’ve grown older as an operation, the mirrored image of our stunning beyond recollections and years of amity stepped forward the first-rate of what we're doing with the aid of using lowering the amount of what we shouldn’t be doing.

Another actuality is our operations are included with BODMAS, which represents the order of Mathematical operations. When a sum has more than one of operations and numbers, it's far used to expose which elements to clear up first and in what order. BODMAS stands for Brackets (any element in brackets do come first), Order (operations which comprise powers of squares), Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Addition and Subtraction are Mathematical operations.

Therefore, Addition is used to explain the full quantity of objects when preparing as a collection. The addition is an unmarried term, that's signified by an addition sign +. Thus, Subtraction is an Arithmetic operation that represents casting off gadgets from a collection. Subtraction is likewise recognized or stated because of the inverse of Addition. Subtraction is proven with a signified subtraction sign -.

Consequently, even though we’re one of a kind as your used to feature or extra numbers and my operation is used to locate the distinction of extra numbers, we each proportion a not unusualplace hobby in numbers. So, Madam Addition might you want to go out for dinner this Friday afternoon at TGI Fridays?

 For instance, Madam Addition you would possibly say no, however, please deliver me a chance as our operations could talk flawlessly and collectively as we share a hobby in Addition and Subtraction. We can further supplement each other as Creflo A Dollar says, “The method of alternate is made from Subtraction and Addition, taking something off and then placing something on.”

Yours Sincerely, 
Mister Subtraction,


BYJU’S: Arithmetic– Basics Concepts. (2021). Operations & Solved Problems. Retrieved May 12th, 2021.

Arithmetic- Basics Concepts, Operations & Solved Problems (

Ginsburg, Herb, and Uscianowski, Colleen, All about Addition and Subtraction, DREAM Family Math, Retrieved May 12, 2021.

All About Addition and Subtraction  DREME Family Math (

BYJU’S: Addition and Subtraction of Integers. (2021). Retrieved May 12th, 2021.

Addition and Subtraction of Integers (Rules and Examples) ( 

Bing images. Addition and Subtraction Picture; Retrieved on May 20th, 2021.

Sunday, May 23, 2021



123 Number lane

Take Away Point

Equation Land 

October 28th, 2020

123 Add lane

SUM Of Point

Equation Port

Dear Madame Addition,

                 Good afternoon my love, it is me, Mister Subtraction here to let you know how in some ways we are meant to be together. Fun fact, did you know addition and subtraction actually share a special  relationship. As mathematicians like to say, there is an inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Do you know what inverse means? Without getting to technical, you can think of inverse as meaning opposite. Addition and subtraction are both basic mathematical operators. Adding two or more numbers means to find a sum or total which is you Madame Addition. Subtracting one number from another is to find the difference which is me, Mister Subtraction. You are a mathematical operation that represents combing objects into a larger collection. I am a mathematical operation that represents a process of finding the difference between numbers or qualities. Is subtraction jus adding? You may ask. Subtraction is bound up in addition. Subtraction is just going the other way, stepping backwards instead of forward. Subtracting a number is the same as adding its negative. You may hear other people referring to me mathematically by using the term minus, reduction, deduction and many more. Where as people may also be referring to you by using the terms as well as, and, plus, also and many more. Aren't you tired of people using us almost everyday of their lives? haha, I think I might retire and become a comedian, because I'm so funny and I have amazing jokes.


Mister Subtraction

Love Letter by Venessa Paul

 From:Mister subtraction 

Address:26 highway Avenue, Chagunas

Date:12 May 2021

To:Madame Addition Address:31 Corinth Road, San Fernando

Dear Madame Addition,

How are you? I hope everything is great. I am writing to invite you to dinner with me on February 14, 2021. Madame Addition you can choose any restaurant of your choice, I would like to treat you on this special occasion. You should consider going out with me even though we have a lot of differences.

I am Mr. subtraction, arithmetic operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection, an important tool we use to help find what is left when taking one number away from another. I have a lot of different names like : minus, discounts, reduction, deduction, subduction etc. You Madame Addition can call me anything you like. To begin with you are very important Madame Addition , You are one of the four basic operation in arithmetic. The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or some of those values combined.

Generally speaking despite the huge differences between us I like you very much. We basically undo each other but put that aside and consider going on this date with me. 12 candles + 6 roses and a bottle of wine = a great time!!.Please write back to me.


Mr. subtraction


English for oral examination level CSEC

Roy Narinesingh with Bhadase Seetahal-Maraj n/addition or-kids.html


Math Love Letter by Sarah Sookram



Mister Subtraction

32 arithmetic avenue,

Numberline Junction

March 12, 2020

 Madame Addition

20 algebraic lane, 

Negative Junction 

Dear Madame Addition,

On this lovely Wednesday afternoon I Mister Subtraction am writing to you Miss Addition, because I would simply like to invite you for some lunch on Saturday 15 March, 2020. The purpose of the lunch is to catch up and discuss some things. It has been a few days since we last talked to each other so I believe that having this lunch meeting would increase the connection between us.

      I never told you this but I was in a bad place when we first met. I would have lots of negative outbursts but when I am with you Madame Addition it is like I jumped over the equation sign in Algebra and all of a sudden I have a positive mind set. Whenever I have a problem I look to you. I guess you always have the solution to most problems. I think you are amazing even though you do not  show how positive you really are everyday. It's as if you were a positive term in a Factorization expression. Your positivity is the addition to my happiness and I sincerely adore you. There are many more things I adore about you such as your beauty. Your beauty is equivalent to a Binomial expression, at first it looks simple but a second glance and suddenly your head starts to hurt and your mind is blown away. Madame Addition you are the missing side to my Equilateral triangle. Subtract you and I can never be complete, unless you take the length of one side of the triangle and add it three times.

       I know we are very different and we both have very distinctive purposes in life, in contrast to you my purpose in life is to be an arithmetic operation that is represented by finding the differences between two quantities, while your purpose my mistress is to combine numbers into a larger collection through the process of addition. Madame Addition you are the perfect match for me and only with the addition of you as a constant to my life will I finally feel complete. Even though we have major differences between us there are some things we have in common, like us both being arithmetic operations and us being literally the inverse of each other. 

     In all honesty I think we can balance off our differences and find the right solution to make this equation work. So I really hope that you would take this invitation into consideration.

Yours Respectfully,

Mister Subtraction


Nzmaths, Number Families and Relationships. Retrieved May 15, 2021 from

Wonderopolis, How is Addition like Subtraction. Retrieved May 15, 2021 from,relationship%20between%20addition%20and%20subtraction.&text=The%20inverse%20of%20subtraction%20is%20addition! : The World of Math Online. Adding and Subtracting Integers. Retrieved 15, 2021 from : The World of Math Online. The Language of Algebra. Retrieved 15, May 2021 from,that%20can%20change%20its%20value.

CueMaths, Factorization of Algebraic Expressions. Retrieved May 15, 2021 from

Love letter from mister subtraction to madame addition by Sudesh Mahadeo


Dear Madame addition 

Just informing you this letter to let you know how I truly feel about you,and I did not had the courage to tell you face to face so I am writing this letter for you to show you my feelings and affection for you Madame addition.The way we could be on our journey to be getting married and I could bake a cake for you and if I am not adding enough sugar you just add how much you like and if you are adding to much sugar I just add a bit touch of salt so the cake won't be salty it will be average little sweet and salty after taste will be good with a cherry on top.The way I feel about you is unbelievable,when your not they I feel like the world's going and crash.I don't want to see you going with multiple or any other person we are different in many ways I subtract and you are addition but everybody is not perfect,we are not the same but I can teach you how to subtract and you can teach me how to add in different ways.We don't have the same personality but If we get to know each other that can change in a timing,you are like finding a square root of the number 10 and am 100 and When you divide 10 by 100 you get back 10 so its to it's like a finding peace with someone like me. When all this lockdown is  done and everything's open back we can go to the beach and just relax and watch the sun go down and the moon just comes up at the right time to watch the beautiful sky write me back when you have time for now bye.

Yours respectfully 

Mister subtraction 


1)Johannes,Widmann.Mercantile Arithmetic.Germany,1489

2)lee,Fixel.Livemint. Retrieved 11 May 2011.

3)Boyer, Carl B. (1991), A History of Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN 0-471-54397-7

Love Letter To Madame Addition From Mr. Subtraction by Malika Hernandez

 Mr. Subtraction, Reduce Hill, Barataria

May 17th, 2021

Madame Addition

#24 Bodmas Trace, Fraction Main Road

Dear Madame Addition,

                                      I'm writing this love letter to let you know how I love you even though we are indifferent and at the same time how much we need each other.

 I say to myself do she realize how many stuff we are both found in like Pythagoras Theorem a2 + b2 = c2 or if Hypotenuse and Opposite is give and want to fine Adjacent it will be b2 - a2 = c2 that simply means me plus you equal something if you know what I mean, we are even found in fraction, Algebra, simple Addition and Subtraction, BODMAS even around the house from cooking to out side work, because the people need to know how much to add or subtract. Talking about that I saw you walking sexy down Fraction main road last Sunday.

I'm afraid the Subtraction will take away my love for you because one plus one is two, without me and you there is no combination to solving this problem so if you add me to your life we can make an equation.

With all that of me pouring out my love for you I will like to take you on a date to Algebra Bay where we can watch the sun set and count the stars as it turns to night, have you ever wonder who ever got it right with the amount of start it have in the sky.

If too much love is added we must find a formula to subtract to make it to perfection. Let me tell you about the other stuff on my mind.

The first time I heard your name I always thought that we can make an Algebraic equation a+b = a+b , looking into your eyes always give me a positive sign, half of your heart and half of mine is equal to a whole, a lot of operations don't like to see us together but nothing can come between our union, with out you I automatically become an empty set I will never put a subtraction sign between our equation.

My love for you grows on top y axis if we ever subtract is to square our self back together so please accept my invitation in letter form to this date 

Yours Truly,                                                                                                                                 Mr. Subtraction 

Toolsie, Raymond. Mathematics A Complete Course With CXC Questions Volume 1. Caribbean Education Publishers Ltd. 1996.

Malkim Channel. Mathematician Love letter. Publish October 21,2016 , Retrieved May 23, 2021 from 

Addition and Subtraction The Big Ideas and Essential Understanding, Retrieved May 23, 2021



    A BLOG ON SCALE RATIO DEFINE IT !! What is scale ratio ? Scale ratio is defined as the ratio of the length of any object on a mode...