Monday, May 24, 2021

Letter to Madame Addition from Mister Subtraction by Ashton Chapman

To: Madame Addition <3

Date: 23rd May 2021

Address: A-dapple, Book St.

Dear: Madame Addition

Hello Madame Addition! Hope things are well and hope you are safe from this chaotic pandemic we are under on. Since we are on lockdown, I've been missing you a lot over the past few weeks. I absolutely adore and love the way you add things together to form that new number, for example, five + five = ten or twelve + six = eighteen. I also love the way you add words at the end of every number, for example, ten hearts + fifteen hearts = twenty-five hearts in total.                                                                                                                   

You can even add more than two numbers, such as; two + eight + twenty + five, and so on to get the sum number, and the fact that you are literally everywhere around the world LIKE WOW!, Just by adding two whole numbers to get the amount or sum is absolutely stunning.                                                                                                                                   

I just incredibly love how you add things together, it is so satisfying for you to add small, big, or both numbers together. I wish I could be sweet and loving as you to add literally anything together and I on the other hand could only subtract/takeaway numbers for example five subtract two equals three or two subtract two equals zero, no wonder why over the years, I've been sad and depressed all the time because I've been subtracting/reducing myself the whole time from minuend and subtrahend to get my difference until I met you Madame Addition.                                                                                    

You are my everything in life that I always wanted, and out of the three operations of arithmetic excluding me out, I choose you to be with me and forever is because every day I live to see my life getting added by you, one plus smile with an extra one plus love and one plus hugs and kisses equals forever baby <3! 

We were meant for each other my love and I'm so happy that I get to see another plus one extra day with you Madame Addition. Soon enough, you and I will get married someday and have three little numerals together, one little numeral + one little numeral + one little numeral equals three little numerals/sum of the number. 

I love you so much my sweet apple pie Addition, without you, I would still have been subtracting my whole life but since I found you, you have been adding me into your life every day!

Yours sincerely,

Mister Subtraction


"Google Oxford Dictionary for softer meanings" For reference examples. For letter formats examples. for the definition of Addition. for the definition of Subtraction.



  1. hi Ashton, this blog was fun to read I found almost no errors and the punctuation was well placed, it has an amazing flow and some really good examples. Overall this blog is probably the best one I've read... well done!!

  2. Hey Ashton I actually like your letter although it was long but it was good you actually took your time and look for phrases.

  3. Dear Ashton Chapman , you essay was quite interesting to read, the essay it self was splendid and acceptable . Many aspects of addition and subtraction were met in your essay such as 5 plus 5 would equal to 10 but there are so much more that I wish that you would have listed such as some facts about them or how they are used . The "love" part of the essay was vast. Overall a acceptable essay .

  4. Hey Ashton , I like the way how your letter flows , You explained how addition and subtraction works and you made it more interesting to read about. I also didn’t found any punctuation or spelling errors. Keep up the good work.


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