Monday, May 24, 2021

Math Love Letter (To: Ms. Expression, From: Mr. Equation)

By Alexandria Ferraz. 


Ms. Expression,

#04 Numerical Lane,

Simplification Boulevard,




Mr. Equation,

#02 Equal Sign Street,

Algebraic Avenue,

Theorem Town,


22nd May, 2021


Dear Ms. Expression,

Hope you and your loved ones are safe, well and in good health. Considering the strange times we live in, it’s a shame we couldn’t be together during these lockdowns. It would have been such a pleasure to have some company. Your company, in particular. I wouldn’t be who I am today without your expressions. I’d be lying if I said I’m complete without them.

During the extended period of isolation, I found myself reminiscing over our wonderful time together before life as we knew it came to a sudden pause. Although it did seem like we would be at odds with each other since I’m meant to be solved and you could only be simplified, I still remember the time when people thought we wouldn’t work out because of our differences…

Even if others have their opinions about us, in my eyes you’re a beautiful combination of variables, constants, coefficients and algebraic operations, for example, addition and subtraction. You’re made up of algebraic terms as well, just like me. On the contrary, I’m a mathematical statement in which two expressions are of equal value. This is represented by my equal sign. Some would say we couldn’t complement each other because you don’t have an equal sign. Nonetheless, we’re both used similarly in algebra; to find an unknown variable.

You were probably wondering what I meant by “I wouldn’t be who I am today without your expressions”. I’ll use an analogy to explain what I mean. There’s a concept in English called phrases and sentences, in which a phrase is used to express a singular yet incomplete thought. However, if you add a phrase into a sentence, it’s no longer a lone expression due to the sentence including it with a subject and a verb. What I’m trying to say is this; despite our differences, we still support each other in more ways than we could imagine, and that might be my favorite part about us.

By the way, I was wondering after some of the restrictions are lifted, and if you have some spare time, can we go out to see a movie? I’ve heard there’s some really good action films coming out later this year, this might cure the boredom that we accumulated over this quarantine. Who knows?

Even though the world is upside-down right now, I really hope this letter reaches you, and I also hope the world returns to a state of normality so we may meet again.


Yours truly,

Mr. Equation.


1. Identifying Expressions and Equations. (2018). In Lumen Learning. Retrieved on May 23, 2021 from:

2. S, Surbhi, Difference Between Expression and Equation. Key Differences. Retrieved  May 23, 2021 from:

3. Judd, Pat, Difference between expressions and equations. Youtube. Retrieved  May 23, 2021 from:


  1. Good day, Alexandria, your letter was simply amazing and knowledgeable of what is an equation and expression. I really do have to commend you as I was interested through your entire letter whilst I was reading. The way you explained, flowed your work, punctuation, and spelling to me seemed correct and the way you used lines to separate your paragraphs made it appealing to my eyes. For example, I loved how you explained expressions had Algebraic terms. Though stating off paragraphs with some transition words would have been nice, had you justified your work would've been pleasing to the eyes and if some examples on how or where it is used could have been nice but other than that great job.

  2. Dead Alexandria , I must say your blog is extremely , substantial . Your blog had a great flow and gave my the viewer a greater understand about expressions and equations . I found that Grammatical forms were used quite nicely and very acceptable , I commend that you listed the similarities and differences between expressions and equations . This blog had nothing that I found atrocious .

  3. Hey dear Alexandria, your blog was simply amazing it had a really good flow to it I could have kept reading more and more. It was enjoyable and perfectly put together in my opinion. I simply love it.

  4. good day Alexandria, this blog was very well put together it had amazing yet simple examples and I loved how you reflected on the worlds present state, I honestly found no errors, well done.

  5. hi good day alexandria, your letter seem very well explainable and simple about expressions and it, found no error so well done.

  6. Hi Alexandria,To start with is that I fell in love before i even satrted to read your blog just by the way it was put together,but while reading i liked it even more just by the way you added your information on your two topics however to my eyes i haven't even witnessed any errors in your blog which is maybe great and i also liked how you placed a picture to make your blog even more interesting...Excellent Work!


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