Monday, May 24, 2021

A Love Letter to Madame Addition! by Raveena Marajh


To: Madame Addition

From: Mister Subtraction

#10 Sesame Street, Preysal

May 23th, 2021


Dear Madame Addition,

How are you! I hope you are doing well. I have been willing to tell you something for a very long time now. We have been friends for a long while now as you know…the something I have been meaning to tell you is that I have crush on you. I have always liked you ever since I laid my eyes on you for the first time; I get déjà vu when I’m with you. I don’t know how you feel about me, you say we are just friends but I swear when nobody is around it’s a different story. I know you like adding could you please add your contact to mine next time I see you. MY love for you is like subtracting by zero…it can’t be defined!

Without you, I’m like a nut set....empty! I hope you don’t feel any pressure reading this letter, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you that’s all. During this pandemic that is happening I have realized how much I have missed you.You are like the back of a math book, because you are the answers to all my problems. One plus two equals me and you, there are 3 parts of addition, the addend, the equal sign, and the sum, can I be part of that too?

 Example how we work well together, Addition determines the whole in terms of parts, and subtraction determines missing parts. Students relate addition and subtraction as inverse operations through the comparison of student strategies and analysis of part-whole relationships. 

Hopefully one day we can be more than just friends, I wish I could pretend I didn't need you but I can't. I hope when we see each other it won’t be weird or anything like that. Hope you enjoy your rest of your day and thank you for taking the time to read this love letter.

Your friend,

Mister Subtraction.

Reference- For pick up lines:

How they work together:








  1. Good day Raveena, this was indeed a lovely letter to Madame Addition. I adore how your transition words were really flowing in your letter and there were such meaningful words to Madame Addition and a great definition of Addition and Subtraction. Now to the bad part, it seems like you copy and paste a paragraph that you weren’t suppose to and to summarize it in your own words. Secondly, there were a few spelling and punctuation errors in your blog and thirdly, you weren’t suppose to use “….” In your blog to space the words, but overall it was such a real king relishing blog to read. GOOD JOB

  2. dear Raveena, this blog was quite interesting, the letter had an amazing flow but there were punctuation and spelling errors I also got a little confused as the topic strayed at some parts, but I still liked it.

  3. Hi Raveena, your letter was quite the read, I like the way it flowed and the romantic language you used for Mr. Subtraction was excellent. However, I feel like there's not enough information about the differences and similarities between addition and subtraction. Otherwise, great work!


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