Monday, May 24, 2021

Love Letter To: Madam Addition From: Mister Subtraction by Anthony Ramsawak

Mister Subtraction. #20 Arithmetic Street. Telephone: 341-3789 Email:  

21st May 2021
Madam Addition
5th Avenue Integer Street,
Algebra Village.

Dear Madam Addition,

How are you? I hope you and your own circle of relatives are doing well. Fascinating fact, we both belong to one of the oldest mathematical operations taught in Mathematics known as Arithmetic, which originated from the Greek phrase Arithmos, which means number. We’re now no longer best utilized in Arithmetic however extensively utilized in Integers, Rational and Irrational numbers in addition to Algebra because the equal guidelines apply.

Madam Addition, years of friendship have been constructed among us, we’ve visible the superior, the unfortunate, and the sorrowful as time has passed. Since I’ve grown older as an operation, the mirrored image of our stunning beyond recollections and years of amity stepped forward the first-rate of what we're doing with the aid of using lowering the amount of what we shouldn’t be doing.

Another actuality is our operations are included with BODMAS, which represents the order of Mathematical operations. When a sum has more than one of operations and numbers, it's far used to expose which elements to clear up first and in what order. BODMAS stands for Brackets (any element in brackets do come first), Order (operations which comprise powers of squares), Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. Addition and Subtraction are Mathematical operations.

Therefore, Addition is used to explain the full quantity of objects when preparing as a collection. The addition is an unmarried term, that's signified by an addition sign +. Thus, Subtraction is an Arithmetic operation that represents casting off gadgets from a collection. Subtraction is likewise recognized or stated because of the inverse of Addition. Subtraction is proven with a signified subtraction sign -.

Consequently, even though we’re one of a kind as your used to feature or extra numbers and my operation is used to locate the distinction of extra numbers, we each proportion a not unusualplace hobby in numbers. So, Madam Addition might you want to go out for dinner this Friday afternoon at TGI Fridays?

 For instance, Madam Addition you would possibly say no, however, please deliver me a chance as our operations could talk flawlessly and collectively as we share a hobby in Addition and Subtraction. We can further supplement each other as Creflo A Dollar says, “The method of alternate is made from Subtraction and Addition, taking something off and then placing something on.”

Yours Sincerely, 
Mister Subtraction,


BYJU’S: Arithmetic– Basics Concepts. (2021). Operations & Solved Problems. Retrieved May 12th, 2021.

Arithmetic- Basics Concepts, Operations & Solved Problems (

Ginsburg, Herb, and Uscianowski, Colleen, All about Addition and Subtraction, DREAM Family Math, Retrieved May 12, 2021.

All About Addition and Subtraction  DREME Family Math (

BYJU’S: Addition and Subtraction of Integers. (2021). Retrieved May 12th, 2021.

Addition and Subtraction of Integers (Rules and Examples) ( 

Bing images. Addition and Subtraction Picture; Retrieved on May 20th, 2021.


  1. Nice info on addition and subtraction nothing is wrong with it nice letter put to together

  2. Hi Anthony, I loved your blog it was perfect and amazing to read I don’t even think I saw any errors in it to be honest. It was very well put together and even your references was well done too. Overall I liked it a lot, good job.

  3. Afternoon Anthony not popping your bubble it was good stuff research was well put together also the references, well done the down fall is there were no love shown in this love letter.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Malika, will take into consideration for another time.

  4. Hi Anthony,This blog was quite interesting and appealing to my eyes i like how you used your information that you may have researched correctly the blog was cool reading i just think that you could of put in a little more love so that the readers can realize for themselves that its a love letter..Good Job!

    1. Thanks for the kind response, will definitely take into consideration about the love part.

  5. Good day Anthoney , this is a very splendid essay , it was very eye catching and very smooth almost melodious one would say , what caught my attention the most is the facts you listed and also how the 2 operations are included in bodmas , this was a very fun essay to read and it was very relaxing to go through your essay to say the least .

  6. Hi Anthony, your letter was a fun read. I liked how you introduced each difference and similarity between Addition and Subtraction with ease. The format of your letter was easy to read, and it was aesthetically pleasing. The content was extremely well-written and enjoyable and your references were well-done. Excellent job!


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