Monday, May 24, 2021

Mr. Prime Number from Ms. Even Number by Nicholas Seepersad

 Date: 19\06\1990 

Address: 13 digit street, Summerville. 

Dear: Mr. Prime Number 

I Ms. Even Number is writing to you regarding our relations between the two of us, and why I believe we should be together. 

We are quite the same, you only live by knowing that what you are and one is a part of you, I must say that you are quite odd even though you are nothing of the sort.

I believe that we are meant to be together, I am just myself and I am whole with who I am, nothing about me leaves a remainder. 

      I believe we should be together because… you are yourself and you are unique, you are yourself and even though I am whole and leave nothing behind I am willing to be your one. In light of all of our flaws and imperfection, well at least yours, I can see both of us being meant for each other, you are a whole and you are greater than one, you're two factors are one and yourself, as with me I'm also a whole and I am also greater than one however I am able to be divided into two equal whole numbers we are very different but we are also quite same . I am interested in getting to know you much more Mr. Prime I am sure you can open up to me and tell me all about what you're into, pun intended. 

     If you feel the same about me Mr. Prime I'm always one equation away, if you are interested in taking things to a whole nother inverse I'm always open to your comment on this subject. I would like to thank you for your very valuable time and your concern. 

Yours very respectful :Ms. Even




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  1. Good day, Nicholas, your letter was simply a pleasure reading. What I found interesting was the way you phrased sentences with Prime and Even numbers, for example, prime numbers are one and numbers of themselves and how you're a whole and are more than one, the flow of your letter was is easy to read as spaces are separating you paragraphs which is also pleasing to the eye. I do wish your letter had some more information as it would have given an even better understanding, some examples of where it gets used in today's world could have been nice, also contact info and some more to the address could have been better, also speaking of pleasing to the eye, I good touch would have been to justify your paragraphs would have looked more tidy and presentable, other than that excellent job.

  2. The placement with the Punctuation are very good keep it up but you need a 3rd reference tho

  3. Good night Nicholas, I enjoyed reading your letter about Prime & Even Numbers. The way you intertwined each difference and similarity between them was really impressive. Your letter was easy to read and pleasing to the eyes, however I do wish there was a little more information and examples as well as an extra reference. Other than that, good job!


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