Monday, February 22, 2021

The Relevance of Mathematics Then and Now
Ashton Chapman

Introduction for Daniel Bernoulli:

The brief relevance of mathematics then and now will be shown and researched about the brief history of a Great, most famous Swiss mathematician called Daniel Bernoulli also known as the father of mathematical physics and as the journey goes along, there will be a special guest that will be interviewed about what the person does for a living and the person daily life of mathematics!

                                                                                 Daniel Bernoulli

Daniel Bernoulli also knows as the Swiss mathematician and physicist. Daniel Bernoulli was born on January 29th 1700 and died in Basel on March 17th 1782. Daniel Bernoulli did pioneering work for theory of gases a swarm of moving particles in dynamic equilibrium and also worked on the “g” the acceleration of gravity. Mr. Bernoulli did his studies in Italy at Basel university at the age of 11 until Daniel got a medical doctorate. Bernoulli is best known for his creation hydrodynamics and won 10 prizes against his rival Leonard Euler between the years of 1725-1749 at the science academy for tides, astronomy, ocean, gravity, magnesium and others of his outstanding science creation. Between the years of 1723-1725, Daniel Bernoulli use to live in Venice and then move to Saint Petersburg, Russia as a professional professor of mathematics at the years of 1725-1733. Daniel Bernoulli is famous for the father of mathematical physics.


                                                                                                                              Saint Petersburg, Russia

An interview with Ms Paul

An interview with a very professional business women who is an entrepreneur will be conducted and also well be ask a few various questions about her mathematical life and what what the person does do for a living.

First question to the interviewee:

1)What do you do for a living?

Answer: Self employ and have her own mini mart

2)When did you first began your business?

Answer: I first began my business 4th February, 2012

3)What were the challenging part when you were building your business?

Answer: Finance, to get a loan and to buy materials to build the business plus to stock the business.

4)How much money you make in an hour and a day?

Answer: $3 an hour and $75 dollars profit a day 

5)As for small businesses like you,  do y’all follow the same price range as the other bigger businesses if no then why?

Answer: No because a small business never sells the same price as other bigger business.

6)has anyone inspired you to start your own business? If yes who is the person and why

Answer: Yes, my brother because always work for yourself be independent and always work for your own money.

7)Have you ever miss count while counting the money and end up giving the customers more or less change and if yes why? (basically like robbing yourself)

Answer: Yes because mistakes always happens

8)Did you had to do any serious calculations when counting the items and giving change to make sure you ain’t robbing yourself and why?

Answer: Yes because you want to make sure you give the person what they pay for because I as a business owner will gain a lost and not a profit 

9)is there anyone else in your family does help you run the business? If yes who’s the person and what else the person does do other than help you with the business?

Answer: Yes, my husband and he’s a construction worker and when he comes home he takes over the business.

10)Did you ever felt like taking some item of yours in the business to eat, drink or to prepare food on the table?

Answer: Yes, sometimes but not most of the time 

11)have you ever gotten rude customers before?

Answer: Yes, every day is a new customer as they dry past by to buy the items they need.

12)Those sale carriers (bread van, Charles chocolate, holidays etc) have you ever ask to credit the goods from them and have to pay them later on and if yes why?

Answer: Yes because all small business does get credit from the sale carriers and not the big businesses do.

13)have you ever felt scared of any criminals is going to rob your business?

Answer: Yes every day but there is something cal prayers and I does say them everyday 


In that case, the brief history about the legend Daniel Bernoulli is quite very delve in about what his days were like before, what he studies and what the legends does do for a living etc. Now the relevance of mathematics is existent is that the particular reason for this circumstances is his creation on hydrodynamic and his crazy excellent work for science/mathematical physics. The interview on the other hand was also engrossing about what Miss Paul business life as an entrepreneur for a small business that has mathematical business in it and also greatly enjoyable experience and very welcome to have her here for the interview!


The sum of everything that has been stated so far is that mathematics is very important in our everyday life and the brief history of the Swiss legend, Daniel Bernoulli and his traits of what he did and his contribution of maths and Mrs Paul interview and her everyday life of mathematics as a Entrepreneur!


Daniel Bernoulli Biography- A Swiss Mathematician, Won 10 prizes, Father of physics. (

Daniel Bernoulli Biography- A Swiss Mathematician, Won 10 prizes, Father of physics.(

Picture of Daniel Bernoulli: Wikipedia 

His Prizes: the best shape for a ship's anchor; theory of the tides; magnetism; ocean currents; and improving the stability of ships in high seas.

Best known as: Father of physics 

Interview Picture: EquiManagement 

Interview Picture (EquiManagement.con)

contributions: hydrodynamics 

Picture of Venice: Fodors Travel Guide 

Picture of Venice (fodors.con)

Picture of Saint Petersburg: Holiday me 

Picture Of Saint Petersburg (

Picture of Thumbs up: PNG and icons

Picture of Thumbs up (


  1. Good day, Ashton, you did make a lot of mistakes with spelling and punctuation but other than that, this paper was very enjoyable to read about Daniel Bernoulli and what he contributed, and the interview was indeed fascinating about the side of a small business.

  2. Hey Ashton your work looks pretty nice and well done, there are alot of spelling errors that needs changes but i enjoyed reading your blog about Daniel Bernoulli and your interview was pretty good as itself.

  3. Hi Ashton your work was very beautiful with all the colors and pictures but the front size that you chose for the references was really tiny which made it hard read.

  4. Hi Ashton your work was very beautiful with all the colors and pictures that you add but the front size that you chose for the references was really tiny which made it hard to read.

  5. Good day Ashton , there were a few punctuation and a word that was doubled error & I found that the references were a lil difficult to read because it’s tiny but besides the errors I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work!

  6. Hi Ashton I enjoyed reading your blog on Daniel Bernoulli but there were a few spelling and punctuation and was difficult to read but besides that I really like it nice work



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