Monday, February 22, 2021


Jemarie Sanchez

   SIR ISAAC NEWTON  (introduction)

In this blog we will be speaking about how Sir Isaac Newton helped develop trigonometry and his greatest accomplishments, we will also conduct a series of interviews and converse about the relevance of mathematics in our daily life both then and now. We shall also have a discussion followed by a conclusion ending with the references that were used to create this blog.


The mathematician sir Isaac Newton was an astronomer ,theologian, English mathematician ,physicist and an author who was widely known ,respected and recognized as one of the most predominant scientists over the years and is still well respected in the scientific revolution he was educated at trinity college, Cambridge , he was best known for calculus, optic, universal

gravitation ,newton's method, and newton's laws of motion. Sir Isaac Newton was born on 1/04/1643 in Lincolnshire ,England and sadly passed away on 3/31/1727 at eighty four years old. He was also knighted by Queen Anne of England in 1705 which made him Sir Isaac Newton; he then proceeded to spend his last three decades in London ,he served as a warden (1696-1699) and then as a master of the royal mint (1699-1727).



Christine  Yearwood

Job : Teacher at D' abadie govt

Years of experience :20

QUESTION: What is your name?

ANSWER: Christine Yearwood (pseudonym).

QUESTION: What is your occupation?

ANSWER: I am a teacher at D’abadie government primary school.

QUESTION: How many years of experience do you have at D’abadie govt do you have?

ANSWER: I have twenty years of experience at D’abadie govt.

QUESTION: What is your position as a teacher?

ANSWER: As a primary school teacher I work in many departments ;mathematics ,english

or as my students say ela1/ela2 ,science ,agricultural science ,music and rarely physical


 QUESTION: How did you use trigonometry before you became a teacher and what did it

do for you? 


 ANSWER: Before teaching Christine used to sow she used trigonometry to find the angle

of the cloth which helped her perfect the clothing that she made to sell this perfection caused

her to gain many customers.

QUESTION: As a primary school teacher do you use trigonometry now and how do you use it?

ANSWER: Because of Christine’s present position at D’abadie govt she no longer uses

trigonometry but when she has the chance she uses trigonometry to design clothing and

help her students understand parts of the topic on a mass production scale she also uses



Name: Maia Hull

Job: Animator and graphic artist

Years of experience: 2 years

QUESTION: What is your name?

ANSWER: My name is Maia Hull.

QUESTION: What is your daily occupation?

ANSWER: I am an animator and graphic artist.

QUESTION: How many years of experience do you have?

ANSWER: I have two years of experience. (excluding university)

QUESTION: What department do you work in as a graphic artist.

ANSWER: Maia is in different departments and is not in any specific departments

she described it as a secretary  and graphic artist mix.

QUESTION: How do you use trigonometry as a graphic artist.

ANSWER: Trigonometry is a necessary item in Maia’s daily job because she uses it so often she

easily finds the angles , she also said that she uses the golden ratio to perfect her art.

QUESTION: Do you use trigonometry outside of work.

ANSWER: Maia does not necessarily use trigonometry outside of school or work.

QUESTION: How do you use mathematics both inside and outside of work.

ANSWER: Maia said that mathematics makes her life easier. It helps her when she does stuff like complex paint mixing she uses it to measure out the paint and get the perfect color, she also said that she uses it to bake and sometimes her woodwork.


So far in this blog we have gone through the introduction ,biography ,two interviews and we are now on the discussion, the discussion will be like a recap among other things we will start by stating why I the writer thinks mathematics is relevant. Mathematics is relevant in view of the fact that it is used daily and that we use it unknowingly for instance ‘while walking down the street most or some people count their steps in their head’ or ‘when cooking you measure how much of an ingredient should be added to the pot because if you just put it it may taste to much of that specific ingredient’ but it is most relevant because people use it to create skyscrapers and other buildings ,it is used to measure things like pyramids or to find the area perimeter or even the length of a missing side. In trigonometry Sir Isaac Newton contributed the generalized binomial theorem.


The binomial theorem is the description of an algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial.



In this blog we have introduced Sir Isaac Newton and his achievements in life we have done a biography on what sir Isaac Newton's life was like we conducted two interviews ,one on a primary school teacher and the other on a graphic artist then there was the discussion and now the conclusion.





  1. Hi Jemarie your work was really enjoyable to read but you just need one more reference.

  2. Hello Jemarie I like your blog and the way u conducted the interview


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