Monday, February 22, 2021

The Relevance Of Mathematics In Everyday Life, Then and Now by Anthony Ramsawak

Leonardo Da Vinci (Introduction)

Hi, Good day

This blog about “The Relevance of Mathematics then and now”, the discussion of Leonardo Da Vinci and his life as a well-known painter will be discussed as well topics he contributed to the world of Mathematics and so on. There will examples of his wonderful masterpiece paintings and famous quotes that he said during his life. In the middle of this blog, there will be an interview linking the then and now which has been done by me and someone from my bubble, and how it was doing this in a pandemic.


 Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was born on the 15th April 1452 and died on the 2nd of May, 1590 where he was born in Vinci, Republic of Florence, which is known as Italy. Leonardo was a Sculptor, Architect, Mathematician, Engineer, Inventor, Anatomist, Geologist, Musician,  Cartographer, Botanist writer, and he was most known for Painting. He was one of the most mysterious and extraordinary geniuses of all time. After six years has passed he became one of the best-known artists of Italy. The best thing is that after he completed his painting “The baptism of Christ”, his master admitted Leonardo Da Vinci’s work was far too superior for him, and after that day Leonardo De Vinci never picked up his paintbrush and painted again. In 1478 Leonardo Da Vinci was then charged for homosexuality by the Florentine Court, and in 1478 he left Verrocchio. After he left and started his mysterious professional life he became busy with his paintings, Research, and Inventions. Vinci then created the first accurate anatomical model of a human named “Vitruvian Man”. He also did 13000 pages of research about Anatomy, War, Machine, Plane, and Civil Engineering and his best pieces were the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man. Leonardo was a knowledgeable person who used Mathematics to create several drawings using proportion. An example of one of his art pieces using proportion is the "Vitruvian Man", who is a perfect human form through the use of Mathematics. Leonardo Da Vinci also contributed Symmetry, Golden Ratio, and Geometric Shapes to the world of Mathematics.

Two of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous quotes.


Two of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Most Famous 



 Mona Lisa   

Interview with a Financial Advisor from my bubble on 2/18/2021 at my home, where we discussed the Financial area of work and how Mathematics relates to it.

Question: Hi, good morning what is your name?

  Answer: Lena Samaroo-Stephens


 Question: What is your, occupation?

   Answer: Financial Advisor


Question: Where is your place of employment?

   Answer: Maritime Financial Group


Question: What is your area of job where you work?

   Answer: Life Insurance, Financial Planning, Mortgage, Premium Financing, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Budgeting, Vehicle Financing, Taxation.


Question: How many years of experience do you have?

   Answer: My interviewee has worked in another job for a company for the past 29 years, and she is currently working in this new job for 2 years now.


 Question: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

  Answer: She is an Executive Financial Advisor or Sales Manager.


Question: What is a job accomplishment you are proud of it?

   Answer: As she has attained her state Licensing for both Life Insurance and General Insurance simultaneously as well as passing over 70% to be incorporated.


Question: How has your job motivated you?

    Answer: My interviewee continued studying TTAIFA courses and passing them which will give her a designation in the back of her name showing that she is a qualified professional in her profession.


Question: Do you believe there is Mathematics out there?

Answer: My interviewee said she does believe there is mathematics out there.

She said that it helps her in her every day with her job as well as her home life.


Question: How does Mathematics help with your day-to-day life?

   Answer: She said Mathematics helps her with her day-to-day life in many ways.

From budgeting her finances to helping her with paying bills, ensuring that she has savings, and when working with clients, she said you have to show how to budget her clients' Income, Calculate Life Insurance, Loans, Fixed Deposits, and more.


 Question: Do you see Mathematics around you if so where?

   Answer: My interviewee said she does see Mathematics everywhere.

She said she sees it in Markets, Hardware, Tiling Companies, Electrical Businesses, and so on.


Question: How has Mathematics strengthen your job area?

   Answer: She stated that it has given her confidence to explain Mathematical conditions to her clients so they can understand the process of what she is doing for them, she also shared that it makes her feel empowered.


Question: What subjects in Mathematics did you use back then when you were going to school that you happen to use in your job now?

   Answer: The interviewee stated that she still uses subjects that she learned in Mathematics like Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Ratios, Algebra Measurements, and Statistics.


Question: How can not have a degree in Mathematics affect your job?

     Answer: My interviewee stated that not having a degree in her job can make her lose her self-confidence in her work that she loves and she won’t be able to explain certainly compilations to her clients.

 Thank you for partaking in my interview.


Leonardo's work and how the proportional diagram is helping science. Leonardo Da Vinci’s work has contributed a lot to science and other great medical areas. One specified area that he studied was human anatomy. Leonardo has also dissected up to 30 corpses-both diseased and healthy- for him to fully grasp the understandings of the human body. Leonardo Da Vinci was also one of the first out of several persons who were able to provide accurate drawings and explanations of the anatomy, unlike Plato and Aristotle who had studied this topic beforehand. It is also apparent from Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketch of the Vitruvian Man. The Vitruvian Man which is showing the human body’s proportion is standing in a circle and a square. This proportional drawing of a male’s human body is depicted in two different poses. Da Vinci’s work was rediscovered in 1965 along with his ideas and sketches, which led to inventions and medical methods that are being used today. Therefore Science and Mathematics are connected. 

                                                               The Vitruvian Man  


There is and has always been Mathematics all around us which has been proven by the interview shown above, and the brief history of Leonardo Da Vinci showing the then and now with his contributions. The information on Leonardo and his contributions to mathematics as well as his sketch on the proportional human body is being used in medical areas, paintings, and much more. Some problems that occurred in this blog, were words turning into letters and having to interview a Pandemic. Thankfully there was someone in my bubble that was able to partake in my interview.


Leonardo Da Vinci Biography-A Painter, Sulpter, Engineer, Mathematician, Short biography, April 15th, 2020.

Leonardo da Vinci Biography-A painter, sculptor, engineer, mathematician (

Picture: Retrieved February18th, 2021

Leonardo da Vinci - Bing

Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes, Brainly Quote, February 19th, 2021.

His Phrases: Leonardo da Vinci - Learning never exhausts the mind. (

                     Leonardo da Vinci - The noblest pleasure is the joy of... (     

His Paintings: Retrieved February 18th, 2021.

 Moddona: leonardo-da-vinci-most+famous+paintings@fineartandyou6.jpg (660×849) (

Mona Lisa: Mona Lisa - Bing

Interview Picture: Interview - Bing images

Discussion:  Retrieved February 19th, 2021.

Medical Impact, Leonardo Da Vinci

 Medical Impact - Leonardo Da Vinci (

Vitruvian Man: Retrieved February 19th, 2021.

 Leonardo da Vinci famous painting with a man - Bing

                    By: Anthony Ramsawak 

         Class: 4 Business

I also checked my work for plagiarism.


  1. Good day Anthony your blog has a few bit of mistakes and punctuation but other than that it was really enjoyable to read and what the mathematician does and the interview very enjoyable to read. Well done!!

    1. Thanks Ashton, for taking your time to read my blog appreciate it.

  2. Good day Anthony,i could not stop reading it was pleasant and well done. What a blog! Nice work!

  3. Hi, Good day Anthony your work was really enjoyable to read. I also thought it was really cool how you incorporated some of Leonardo Da Vinci's quotes and other work.

  4. Good day Anthony I enjoyed reading your blog it had a few errors but it was well done

  5. Hi good day Anthony your blog had some very nice pictures to go alone with Leonardo Da Vinci well done

  6. Hi Anthony your work was really well done I enjoyed reading it I saw an error but other than that it was done very well.



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