Sunday, November 28, 2021

Mathematics- Scale Model Ratio📏


Scale ratio deals with measurements and ascribe variables and is measured on a particular number of sources or values. It always starts on the nil point (Zero) and the number of distances or points along the scale line varies. For example 0 degrees Celsius on the scale line is a value, it doesn’t refer to if it's cold or hot. 


Scale drawings are important because they help you construct structures or for mapping. For example buildings, roads and for mapping directions. The uses of blueprints are very handy and efficient when it comes to almost anything, without blueprints it would be difficult to construct structures and without a map, you’d be lost.

Scale drawing and models are also commonly used to define if an object is too large or too small to be sketched to their true size.

Scale models are used in many fields when comes to dealing in the real world and particularly most careers such: military, engineering, designing, and architecture. Scale drawings are a useful piece of tool for almost any plan of careers.

Military- Scale drawing in militaries are mainly used for mapping and to create a camp space. Mapping in militaries allows the members to locate certain areas mainly when going camping and hiking and for other activities.

Engineering- Scale drawing is very useful in engineering. If the drawing isn't scale to properly fit, guarantee the object of the plan won't fit onto its real space. Accurate scale drawing allows you to observe exactly on how it’s properly well place to each component either if it’s both filled and empty.

Designer- Helps you to visualize, scheme and further landscape ideas before attempting actions.

Architecture- For architectural projects, it help to find true measurements of an object of model when scale drawing in the world of work.


Scale drawings and models

Soap holder


Suave deodorant


An example on how scale ratio is used in the real world by using a wooden plank as a showcase

Model of the Wooden Plank- Height - 1 centimetre
                                                Length - 3 centimetre
                                                Width - 5 centimetre

The actual Wooden Plank- Height - 3 meters 
                                            Length - 77 meters
                                            Width - 13 meters

Wooden Plank scale ratio working:

Height - 3 divided by 1 = 3 meters

Length - 90 divided by 30 = 3 meters

Width - 10 divided by 5 = 2 meters

In scale ratio, 1 centimetre is read

Height - 1:3

Length - 1:3

Width - 1:2

Actual wooden plank

Model wooden plank

Me holding the model

-- -- -- -- -- -- --Reference-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Definition Obtain on November 25th 2021, site published on 2021 (Author Unknown)

site published on 2020 by Printha Bhandari

Careers uses Obtain on November 25th 
Site published on (Unknown) by Melly Parker

Site published on (Unknown) by Archi

Site published on 2018 by Heidi Chandler

Image of the wooden plank Obtain on November 27th, site published on (Unknown) by (Unknown Author)


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