Saturday, February 20, 2021

'The Relevance of Mathematics in Everyday Life, Then and Now' by Khadija Ali




Georg Simon Ohm,(born march 16,1789,Eriangen,Bavaria[Germany]-died July 6,1854,Munich).German physicist who discovered the law, name after him, which states that the current flow through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference(voltage) and inversely proportional to. As a school teacher, ohm began his research with the new electrochemical cell, invented by Italian    scientist Alessandro Volta. Using equipment of his own creation, ohm found that there is a direct proportionality between the potential difference(voltage) applied across a conductor and the resultant electric current. This relationship is known as ohm's law. Ohm was the oldest son of Johann Wolfgang ohm, master locksmith, and Maria Elisabeth beck, daughter of a master tailor of the protestant couples seven children, only two others survived childhood. Martin the mathematician and Elisabeth Barbara.


Georg Simon Ohm was a German physicist born in Erlangen, Bavaria, on march 16, 1789,as a high school teacher, his own creation determines that the current that flows through a wire is proportional. In 1817 he became a professor at Collogue collage. His interest was in current electricity, despite this, he made his own metal wire. His law started that the amount of steady current through a material. Georg Simon Ohm receive no credit for his findings until he was made director of the Polytechnic school of Nuremberg in 1833. He was awarded in 1841 for the significant of his discovery and awarded his the Copley medal. Five(5) years before his death, ohm's lifelong dream was realized when he was given a professorship of experimental physics at the university of Munich. He also lived in poverty, tutoring privately in Berlin. On July 6th, 1854 he passed away in Munich at the age of 65. One factor may have been the inwardness of Ohm's character while another was certainly his mathematical approach to topics. The assumptions which he made in mathematical were numerous and his name has  been incorporated in the terminology of electrical science in Ohm's law.         

                            INTERVIEW Q&A

Question: hi, good morning what is your name?

Answer: George Ashton Lal.

Question: what is your occupation?

Answer: I am a General Contractor.

Question: Tell us about yourself?

Answer: Well I am a general contractor, my responsible is to provide all of the material, labor, equipment and services that is necessary for the construction of the project.

Question: what is your place of employment where you work?

Answer: I am a constructor and coordinator of a large number of subcontractors who performs various specialties for the completion of the projects. Also sometimes i does go on different sites and inspect during the construction when it is going on.

Question: where do you wish to see yourself 5-10years later on in life?

Answer: Over the next few years, I want to explore and develop more skills and I want to have gained experience in leading for opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goals.

Question: How does mathematics teaching falls in for you?

Answer: As a general contractor its required to use math's for nearly every part of the job. I need to know how to adequately measure the amount of space needed for the job sites, the angle of materials and they need to order the right amount of materials to get the job completed.

Question: Do you think mathematics is easy in real life?

Answer: I think mathematics helps you build things, like figuring the total amount of concrete needed for a slab, accurately measuring lengths, widths, angles and estimating project costs are just a few of the many cases in which math is necessary for real-life home improvement projects.
Question: Does mathematics help with your day-to-day?

Answer: Yes, because geometry, algebra and trigonometry all play a crucial role in architectural design. Architects apply these math forms to be able to plan their blueprints or initial sketch design. They also calculate the probability of issues the construction team could run into as they bring the design version to life in three dimension.

Question: How many years of experience you had?

Answer: 3-4 years it take me to learn about the necessary skills of being a general contractor. I needed to get at least a high school diploma, but there is an increase in a need for a bachelor degree , plus years of construction industry experience. Regardless of education thought, experience in the industry is the most important requirement. 

Question: what is your motive about math's?

Answer: My motive in this life is to be person whom everyone remembers. Wherever you go, character(attitude) plays a very vital role those helping tendency come only from being a good person and helping others is like helping god.

Question: Do you have any weakness in mathematics?

Answer: No, because I see things and understands patterns in nature and in numbers. I can even do mental math's really quickly and faster than anybody can.

Question: What are your goals?

Answer: My goal is to increase professional knowledge and training whether taking a college classes or getting a certification this is a common goal but I really prefer to make some changes of earnings more financial goals too.

Question: When were you most satisfied about your job because it deals with mathematics?

Answer: I feel like I get rewarded for good work. Considering everything, I am satisfied with my job. I am satisfied with the opportunity .I have to grow within the company. I feel like my work is valued. 

Question: What you  did like in mathematics?

Answer: Math is my favorite subject because it is easy to do solve the problem. I like using numbers, fractions, decimals and so much more. Math is also used in the real world like telling time, adding, dividing, percentage and even in a future career like engineering and architect.


We all have learned that mathematics is where the science of structure has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring and describing objects. Mathematics is a logical reasoning and quantitative calculation. In many years ago it has been adducted to physical sciences and technology. The relevance of mathematics I mostly believed and understand that it make our life easier, less chaos and more orderly. Learning math's can encourage and attract an alert and open minded attitude among the youths. It will help develop daily and their thinking. In my experience, mathematics is relevant to help one understand and become widely knowledgeable about how and when certain formula should be used and how it is apply into other aspect in life. Mathematics as and everyday used and it will help and in many reasons and causes.


The relevance of mathematics in everyday life, then and now shows us that mathematics is the key to everyone opportunity in life. Mathematical problems can serve us in any kind of way, Georg Simon Ohms the scientist and mathematician played a critical role by helping us to understand how electric circuits work.  Although he was busy teaching physics and math in Cologne, Ohm wanted to understand more about electricity, which was still not well understood by even the best scientists at the time. In a circuit, voltage (V) provides energy to electrons in the wire and makes them move, while current (I) measures the rate at which the electrons move. Ohm's discovery, which we now know as Ohm's Law.


Ohm, Georg Simon (1787--1854)"German physicist"

Georg Ohm, in full Georg Simon Ohm, (born March 16, 1789, ErlangenBavaria[Germany]—died July 6, 1854, Munich), German physicist who discovered the law.

who taught in Cologne, Berlin, Nuremberg, and finally (1849) Munich. He is best known for formulating Ohm's law in 1827. The unit of electrical resistance is named after him.
subjects: Science and Technology.

1 comment:

  1. Good day khadija your blog was very nice I enjoy reading it !.


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