Sunday, February 21, 2021


The relevance of mathematics in everyday life Then and Now.   

Raveena Marajh

                                                                          History of Albert Einstein.               Albert Einstein was born on March the 14th 1879,died 1955 and was the son of a Jewish electrical engineer in Ulm, Germany. After having a childhood in Germany and Italy Einstein study physics and mathematics at the Federal Polytechnic Academy in Zurich, Switzerland. He soon became is Swiss citizen and in 1905 and was awarded a PHD from the universe of Zurich while working at the Swiss patent office in Bern. That year which historians of Einstein’s career called the annus mirabilis-the “miracle year”.                                                                             He published five theoretical papers that were to have a profound effect on the development of modern physics. While Einstein was remembered for his contributions to physics ,he also made contributed in mathematics. He also contributed several equations to calculus and geometry, ten of which are called the Einstein Field Equations. He first published these equations in 1915. In addition to his work on relativity, the physicist laid the scientific foundations for paper towels, lasers, and more common products. Albert Einstein is justly famous for devising his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, gravity, and the universe. There will be an interview conducted by telephone about Albert Einstein about the relevance of mathematics “now”.                                                                                                                                                                                                A picture of Albert Einstein                             

An11 question interview with MISS.Holland\ [Q&A].                                                                                                                  

1.How are you?                                                                                          

    I am fine thank you.                                                                                                

2. I would like to ask you some questions?                                                        

Sure what would you like to know!                                                                            

 3 .What  job do you have and what do you do?                                                           

I am a baker at an bakery and I make  pastries and cakes.                                  

4. How do you use mathematics in your everyday life ?                                        

I use mathematics all most  everyday in my life since I am a baker at a bakery, I use mathematics for measuring and weighing ingredients, changing recipes and checking temperatures.                                                                                    

 5.What type of math is used for baking?                                                                                                       Ratios, fractions, and division are significant to all aspects of baking.        

6. Is it really necessary?                                                                                   

Yes! it is all really necessary for measuring and serving sizes.                              

7. Can you give me some examples?                                                                  

 For example if a baking recipe which was meant to serve 12 people and you need to serve 6 people, the baker would have to use fractions to divide the amount of serving.                                                                                                                  

8. Since you are a baker do you know how to cook food?                               

 Well yes I do know how to cook food to as you now I was also a chef but then decided to be a baker instead.                                                                                  

9. Does cooking also require math?                                                                           

Yes! You might not think math has much to do with cooking, but the truth is that the better that your math skills are; the better you will be in cooking in the kitchen. Just consider the importance of math while you are trying to follow a recipe.                                                                                                                     

10. Can you give me some examples?                                                                   

For example, it is very common to use a half of double of a recipe. In this case, people use proportions and ratios to make correct calculations for each ingredient. If a recipe calls for 2\3 of a cup of flour, the cook has to calculate how much half is or double of 2/3 of a cup.                                                                

11. Well we have come to the end of the interview I want to thank you for being a part of it and thank you very much!                                                      Yes and also thank you for having me as well.                                                                       Utensils use for measuring in the kitchen.                                                                                                                          Utensils use to measure in the kitchen.


The background of Miss.Holland {The interviewee}

Miss.Holland is a baker, she works at Dolly bakery. She have been working there for the past 3 years, but her years of experience is around 5 years now for baking. She is really good at her job her pastries and cakes taste the best. Miss.Holland always wanted to be a chef she was a chef for around 4 years working in and restaurant. She said that she really liked her job but then tried out baking and fell in love with it, almost everyday she baked bread and sometimes pastries too people loved it. At one point she wanted to open her own bakery but instead she went too worked for Dolly bakery.                                        Miss.Holland also liked being a chef as I said but she wanted to try out something now which was baking, she went to Caribbean Culinary Institute school and learned how to bake and cook too, she stayed there for 2 years. Now Miss.Holland is a baker and a chef but loves to bake.                          

The objectives of my research.                              

            Albert Einstein childhood was a normal one, except that his family’s irritation, he learnt to speak at a late age. Beginning in 1884 he received private education in order to get prepared for school. 1885 he started learning to play violin. Albert Einstein is known for his discovery of the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. Einstein developed a theory of special and general relativity, which helped to complicate and expand  upon theories that had been put forth by Isaac Newton over 200 years prior. In addition to his work on relativity, the physicist laid the scientific foundation for paper towels, lasers and more common products.

 The Discussion.                                                                   The relevance of my research of Albert Einstein is to show people what he has done for us ‘then and now’. His research spanned from quantum mechanics to theories about gravity and motion. After publishing some groundbreaking papers, Einstein toured the world and gave speeches about his discoveries. In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize of Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect. Mathematics is relevant because it keeps your lives orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking and even effective communication skills.       


Mathematic is literally important in our everyday life it could be whatever job you have you use mathematics in it. Mathematics is all around us but just we do not see it. It has been proven in baking and even cooking. It is really important to our life and we need mathematics to prevent chaos. Einstein first published these mathematics equations in 1915. One of these equations demonstrates hoe stress energy inflicts curvature of space-time.


 .The early years, 1878-1902 [Princeton, NJ,1987]. A Einstein, The collected papers of Albert Einstein.                                                                                            

 .The Swiss year :Writings, 1900-1909[Princeton, NJ, 1989]. A collected papers of Albert Einstein.                                                                                                   

.The Swiss years writings, 1909-1911 [German] [Princeton, NJ, 1993].      



  1. Good day, Raveena, you did make mistakes with spelling and punctuation and your interview was difficult to read as the questions were all over the place but other than that, this paper was entertaining to read about Albert Einstein and what he contributed, the interview was somewhat pleasant to read but again the difficulty with reading as it is side to side. The rest of your paper, however, was pleasing to the eye as well as fun to read.

  2. Good day Raveena you had lots of punctuation and spelling errors and you could’ve also use the regular fonts for the description only and only use it for the bold fonts for heading but other than that it’s really enjoyable to read and really great work!!

  3. Hey Raveena, your blog is nicely presented there are some difficult parts to read and understand the history on Albert Einstein was pretty good sadly to me the interview was a little substandard and hard to read there wasn't any name of the person so i don't know it was joined up and was hard to read but your work was nicely written.

    1. Thank you for your view and opinion and about the interview it is now fixed an now easier to read

  4. Hi Raveena,Your research work was well done..I also liked seeing the different color headings..Really nice work.

  5. I didn't know that Albert Einstein use to make sweets good job and very well done

    1. Did you even read it? Anyway thank you for your view

    2. Yes but it was tools for barking in the kitchen sorry lol

    3. Sudesh, no lol here. Write in standard English.



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