Sunday, March 7, 2021

The relevance of mathematics then and now by Nicholas Supersad

     Leonardo Fibonacci was on of the most greatest mathematicians that ever lived , Fibonacci was born and Italy on 1170 and died between 1240 or 1250 Fibonacci introduced the world to what we know now as the Arabic numbering system , square roots and math word problem . The Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers where the first number adds up to the second and the second adds up to the third , the sequence goes as follows 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 etc . In nature we can find the Fiboncci sequence in spiral of a flower , lotus , sunflower and broccoli .                   The great Fibonacci was known for 2 important contributions to math and western mathematics , be was involved to help spread the use of Hindu systems of writing numbers in Europe . To prove the importance of Fiboncci now , On Friday , march 2020 the U.S stock market closed out it's worst week since 2008 due to the global pandemic , investors and stakeholders where left in a difficult situation , a set of powerful numbers was the situation to their problem the Fiboncci sequence was the tool to guide there buying and selling behaviors .

To prove the importance of mathematics a Q&A was conducted .

1 : Name: Ian Hosein 

Years of experience: 8 and a half years 

Title of job: Driver salesman 

2 : How dose having a sense of math motivate you . 

The current interviewee job requires math skills on a daily basis and calculations also statistics in cricket motivates the interviewee.

3 :What are you most proud of .

Starting a family is one thing the interviewees mostly proud of . 

4 : What could your current workplace do better . 

To improve the better working equipment so working hours will be less .  

5 : What is the favorite part of your job .

Getting to meet new people on a daily basis . 

6 : Where do you see yourself in 5 years .

The interviewee states that he sees himself promoted or running as CEO . 

7 : Is math important and why .

Math is an essential material I the interviewees life .

8 : What is a job based activity that requires you to use math . 

Conducting sales , calculations , reviving money . 

9 : How do you use math in your daily life. 

Budgeting personal expenses , shopping or buying markets . 

10 : Math is everywhere do you agree and why if not state a reason to why it's not 

The interviewee states that math is everywhere , mostly every material thing is measurable and most things are a sequence .


  1. Nice blog Nicholas you were going good but you forgot the discussion and conclusion.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good day Nicholas your blog was nice and interesting but you forgot to put the reference in

  4. Hi Nicholas,Your blog was nice reading But u missed out the reference discussion and conclusion..was good but you could of at least finished it

  5. Good day Nicholas, I enjoyed reading your blog about Leonardo Fiboncci and his contributions to mathematics as well as your interview with Mr. Ian Hosein. However, your blog is missing an introduction, discussion, conclusion and references. Personally, I feel as though the format for your research on Leonardo Fiboncci could of included more spacing between each paragraph so it could of been an easier read... Otherwise, good work!


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