History Of My Mathematician

Georg Cantor was born on March 3rd 1845 in St. Petersburg, Russia and died on January 6th 1918 in Halle Germany. Georg Cantor was the father of two, Rudolph Cantor and Erich Cantor. Georg took his education in Humboldt University of Berlin (1867), ETH Zurich, Technische Universitat Darmstadt. Although Georg Cantor was born in St. Petersburg Russia, where his parents had emigrated from Denmark, he spent most of his life in Germany (1845-1918). Georg Cantor found set theory and introduced the mathematically meaningful concept of transfinite numbers, indefinitely  large but distinct from one another. Georg Cantor discovered his famous diagonal proof method, which he used to give his second proof that the real numbers are uncountable. Instead it used concrete properties of the real number line, including the idea of nesting intervals so as to avoid overlapping a given countable sequence. Why is set theory important you may ask, set theory is mainly important because it serves as a foundation for the rest of mathematics, it provides the axioms from which the rest of mathematics is built up. 


Rebecca harricharan, an accountant, had a face to face interview on February 25th, 2021. Rebecca Harricharan has had almost 2 years of experience with her work. 


1.) Hello, what is your name miss?

Interviewee: My name is Rebecca Harricharan

2.) How old are you?

Interviewee: I am 20 years old

3.)What motivates you?

Interviewee: Making money to achieve my goals

4.) Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Interviewee: Running my own business and starting my family 

5.) Do you think you use mathematics in your everyday life?

Interviewee: Yes, since i am an accountant i use mathematics on a daily basis at work

6.) which subject did you enjoy most in school?

Interviewee: i enjoyed mathematics, science and Principal Of Business 

7.) how was your school experience?

Interviewee: it was difficult to keep up with some of my classes but it was a pleasure getting to learn new things and meeting new people everyday 

8.)What are your afraid of?

Interviewee: im most afraid of not achieving my goals according to plan

9.)Has there ever been a huge change in your life that made you think differently?

Interviewee: due to the recent pandemic families have been struggling to provide for their household which made me realize that I am grateful to still have a job and to be able to assist my family 

10.)What do you look forward to most in life?

Interviewee: good things, love and passion and thirst for life.

11.)what do you like to do for fun?

Interviewee: I enjoy dancing, spending time with my family and having new adventures 

12.) Who do you think made you the person you are today?

Interviewee: teachers, parents, family and myself made me the person i am today


Georg Cantor has done many things for us in mathematics that has affected on our everyday lives. Sometimes might even have you thinking, what if we didn't have mathematics in our life? where would we be today? or who would we have been today. I understand that many people don't even know the excitement or how interesting mathematics can be or how far it can take you in life.


In conclusion  i hope you enjoyed this article more than i did enjoyed writing it. Reading and learning about our past mathematicians and the accomplishments they have made are so exciting and interesting knowing how much mathematics has been used in our daily lives.  



