Thursday, February 25, 2021

                                                                             TAMARA SNAGGS

Brief Biography On"ROBERT BOYLE"

Name is Robert Boyle,He was born on the 25th January 1627.Robert was also born at Listmore Castle in County Waterford."Although others before him had applied mathematics to physics,Boyle was one of the first to extend the application of mathematics to chemistry which he tried to develop as a science whose complex appearance was merely the result on simple mathematical laws applied to simple fundamental particles".However,Robert Boyle was mostly known as the first modern chemist.Therefore he also had his own law referred to as the Boyle-Mariotte law or the Mariotte's law.His law was about an "Experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to increase as the volume of the container decreases".Mathematically,Robert's law is stated as; 

Which means Pressure is inversely proportional to the volume 

There will be an interview via face to face communication about how someone thinks mathematics is used in the everyday life.
                                               Demonstration Of  Boyle's Law

1.)Hi Good Day...How are you?
Good Day I am fine thank you

2.)I would  just like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind...

Sure No Problem.

3.)What is your daily job?

Well I work as a Stores attendant at a trade school

4.)Okay...And do you think that the subject mathematics has anything to do with your daily job if yes why do you think so?

Yes..because the duty of being a stores attendant is things like counting and making sure that I have the correct amount of tools that was used by trainees and workers and simple as counting quantities of items involves mathematics.

5.)Therefore what math related topics do you think is used at your job?

What i can think of at the moment is like the topic "sets"

6.)Cool...Do you think mathematics is important?

Yes.. Because Mathematics is included in nearly everything..

7.)Do you even like the subject mathematics?

Not really but you have to be able to at least understand a little about the subject

8.)How being able to understand maths is relevant to you?

Because simple as the job i have maths is important simple as just counting,counting includes maths because it's dealing with numbers which is mathematics

9.)Do you enjoy being a stores attendant?

Well it is not really what i like to do but it is kind of fun at times

10.)Well we have come to the end of your little interview...So it was a pleasure having you miss Philip.

No Problem and Thank You..and have a great day!!!


Miss Philip is a 39 year old woman who is rather freindly. Miss Philip works at NESC Trade School.She also recently started working there.Before she started attending this current job she worked at the airport as a sales person at Gone Bananas.Philip worked at the airport for 5 years and eventually got laid off.Miss Philip attended Chaguanas Senior Secondary where she built her education life there.Although being a stores attendant and dealing with tools and those type of items is not too her likeness she still finds a joy in it.Miss Philip also passed Mathematics with a pass of 2 in her CXC examination.


Following students was assigned to do research on a mathematician on how each mathematician contributed to the life of mathematics,Students was also required to host an interview through whatever source of communication they chose out of the options given to connect the relevance of mathematics then and now.I was responsible of doing the research on Robert Boyle of  what he was known for of the subject mathematics or what he did to be known as a mathematician.


The relevance of this research on Mr.Robert Boyle is to show others what he has done or what he contributed to the subject mathematics then and now."Robert's appearance was merely the result on simple mathematical laws applied to simple fundamental particles.He was also an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher and theological writer".When "Boyle died he left his papers to the Royal Society to show a series of the work of what he has established,like his lectures etc.Robert Boyle was a scientist but he was also a mathematician.


 Mathematics is basically included in everything that you do,It is important for you to at least understand it because it is needed in your everyday life.This subject everywhere and not everyone can notice.It comes like it is a necessity to in our daily life.My interviewee said it for herself that she doesn't she really like mathematics but she has to know it because it is simply included in her job life.Robert Boyle had shown us how to solve simple mathematical equations.He has done a great piece of mathematics although he was mostly a scientist,but all scientists has a part to play in this subject mathematics.


1.)Principe,Lawrence,Robert Boyle,Britannica,Last updated January 21,2021

2.)MB,Hall,Biography in dictionary of scientific Biography,New York 1970-1990.

3.)Robert Boyle,Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy,January15,2002.


  1. Evening Tamara I enjoy reading your blog especially your interview, I also like how you did a background on the person you interviewed well done.

  2. Hi Tamar I really enjoyed reading your blog it was very interesting to read an enjoyable.

  3. Evening Tamara, really enjoyed reading your blog. The way you chose different colours for each heading and included a detailed background for the interviewee was pretty creative... Excellent work~

  4. Night Tamara your work was magnificent didn't see any errors good work.


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