Friday, February 26, 2021


The Relevance of Mathematics in Everyday Life Then Now.

Introduction by Kelly Harold

This  study comprises the history of a famous mathematician named Peirre Da Fermat. Secondly to conduct an interview with an individual to identify the perception of someone who uses mathematics in their everyday life and job. This will be clearly identified in detail through an interview conductor with an accountant who will give us the insight off mathematics and its benefit to her. And a discussion as to why mathematics is important to me.

Content : A Brief History of Pierre De Fermat

Pierre De Fermat was born between 31 October and 6 December 1607 and died on 12 January 1665 in Beaumont-de-Lomagne. He was a French lawyer and a Mathematician who was given recognition for the progress that led to infinitesimal calculus and including the technique of adequality.  He was of Basque origin and received his primary education in a local Franciscan school. He studied law and probably at Toulouse and at Bordeaux. In 1631 Fermat received the baccalaureate in law from the University of Orléans and he assisted in the local parliament at Toulouse, becoming councilor in 1634. In June 1631, aged 23, Fermat married his cousin Louise de Long. She was only 15 years old. Another month would pass before she celebrated her sixteenth birthday. Fermat was passionate about mathematics and he was a brilliant mathematician. However, mathematics was always just a interest, reserved only for his free time. As such he developed a method for finding tangents to curves and their highest and lowest points, to be regarded as the inventor of the differential calculus. Through his interaction with Blaise Pascal he was a co-founder of the theory of probability as such number theory.

Question and Answer

1.      1.What is your name?

Laura Maharaj (Pseudonym)


2.      2.What is your occupation?


3.      3.Where is your place of employment?


4.      4.How much of year experience do you have in Accounting?

I have 2 years experience working as an Accountant.


5.      5.How do you include mathematics in your daily life?

I use arithmetic methods to calculate  the difference in percentages ,addition and subtracting of figures to compile  financial statement to  justify profits and losses to prepare reports for companies.


6.      6. What type of arithmetic methods do you use?

Simple interest

BODMAS; Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 



7.      7.How did you learn to incorporate these methods in Accounting?

I learned to apply these techniques whilst studying in University.


8.      8.How does financial statements use Asthmatic methods for your reports?

BODMAS is greatly used when tallying all areas in financial statements comprises of; Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income and Expenses to present these reports also simple interest is used to assist Accountant to analyze the statements using accounting ratios which includes finding percentages to compare prior years performance with current years performance to identify increases and decreases.


9.       9.What system or device do you used to assist you in compiling all this data?

I use a calculator to verify total figures, however, to tally all the information excel and accounting software (Peachtree) is used to assist us in formulating and calculating all the information as there are many mathematical functions and formulas to assist us in our daily operations.


10.  10. Do you think mathematic is important in everyday activities or other jobs?

Yes, I think it is very important as mathematic makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. It gives us the ability to develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving and enhance our communication to help us make decisions daily.


           I believe mathematics is important because it help us in everyday life whether, it is to be managing money, balancing the check-book, shopping for the best price, preparing food, figuring out distance or time and cost for travel.

Once such supporting mathematician Pierre De Fermat developed a format called probability and it is widely used in all sectors in daily life like sports, weather reports, blood samples, predicting the gender of the baby in the womb, hereditary disabilities and statics.

This mathematician  had set the foundation for many mathematical approaches that influence others to use his work as a starting point to which then evolve to new mathematical theories for instance his last research number theory was not completed however it was used a foundation of knowledge  to improve in the theory that we have today.  


            It was noted from our research in creating this blog “The Relevance of Mathematics and Everyday Life” has a huge significance with the past and the future. Pierre De Fermat a mathematician/ lawyer who dedicated his time to set a foundation that allow others to evolve and emphasize his work to create new or continuing mathematical theories to assist us in everyday life. One such theory was probability that was introduced. Furthermore, a questionnaire was conducted to obtain an opinion from an accountant how mathematics influences her job and everyday life.


·      Britannica: Boyer. Carl B. 2020; Professor of Mathematics, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, 1952–76. Author of History of Analytic Geometry and others.[]

·      Wikipedia 2021 Pierre de Fermat 


·       Connor. J O' and  Robertson. E F 1996 Pierre de Fermat bibliography[]

·     Ball. W. W. Rouse 1908 A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' []

·      Mahoney, Michael Sean, The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 1973.[]




 The Relevance Of Mathematics In Everyday Life, Then And Now. by Zarin Roberts

This blog is about the difference in mathematics everyday life from then to now. I was assigned Charles Augustin De Coulomb for then . I've picked my father to give me his opinion on how  mathematics relates in his everyday life. 

Charles Augustin De Coulomb was born on 14 June 1736 Angoulême, Angoumois, France he died on 23 August 1806 (aged 70) Paris, France .Augustin was known for inventing a device, dubbed the torsion balance, that allowed him to measure very small charges and experimentally estimate the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies.Coulomb issued out his theories in 1785–89. He also developed the inverse square law of attraction and repulsion of unlike and like magnetic poles. This laid out the foundation for the mathematical theory of magnetic forces formulated by French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson.Coulomb origin is defined as the quantity of electricity transported in one second by a current of one ampere. Named for the 18th–19th-century French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, it is approximately equivalent to "6.24 × 1018" electrons.Three parts of Coulomb's law The interaction between charged objects is a non-contact force that acts over some distance of separation. Charge, charge and distance. Every electrical interaction involves a force that highlights the importance of these three variables.


Name- Phillip Marksman.

Job Title- operations manager.

Years Of Experience - < 20 Years.

  1. How is mathematics applied in your everyday life?

  2.  What math solutions do you use in your work?

  3. What is the difference in mathematics then and now?

  4. What were mathematics generally used for then and now?

  5. What jobs use mathematics on a full scale?

  6. Does maths make any sense and why?

  7. Do you think the methods they use in schools are suitable?

  8. What would you change in the school's mathematics curriculum?

  9. What would you change in mathematics on the whole?

  10. What subject do you prefer, maths or english?

  1. He uses it through calculations for engineering solutions.

  2. Trigonometry , calculus  and algebra.

  3. Then in mathematics you had to learn formulas ,today you have calculators with built in formulas.

  4. Then mathematics were generally used for addition,subtraction,multiplication and division. Now arithmetic is generally used for I.T. solutions.

  5. Gomatic, surveying, engineering and accounting.

  6. Yes, why for example trigonometry assists in surveying where there are times one angle and one side is known and the job requires that the other sides be calculated in a traverse.

  7. Not good ,why for example students find it harder to easily grasp mathematical formula such as for “sin,cos and tan”

  8. Laplace transforms, why to make the understanding more simpler.

  9. I would like to change the way to explain solutions.

  10. Mathematics .

My conclusion is that mathematics is easier now than then, now we've been given benefits like calculators , easier maths format , shorter ways to solve a problem , we have the internet long ago they didn't have the type of stuff they had to learn formulas. We have many things to show formulas.

Reference- google , wikipedia , britannica and my father.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

                                                                             TAMARA SNAGGS

Brief Biography On"ROBERT BOYLE"

Name is Robert Boyle,He was born on the 25th January 1627.Robert was also born at Listmore Castle in County Waterford."Although others before him had applied mathematics to physics,Boyle was one of the first to extend the application of mathematics to chemistry which he tried to develop as a science whose complex appearance was merely the result on simple mathematical laws applied to simple fundamental particles".However,Robert Boyle was mostly known as the first modern chemist.Therefore he also had his own law referred to as the Boyle-Mariotte law or the Mariotte's law.His law was about an "Experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to increase as the volume of the container decreases".Mathematically,Robert's law is stated as; 

Which means Pressure is inversely proportional to the volume 

There will be an interview via face to face communication about how someone thinks mathematics is used in the everyday life.
                                               Demonstration Of  Boyle's Law

1.)Hi Good Day...How are you?
Good Day I am fine thank you

2.)I would  just like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind...

Sure No Problem.

3.)What is your daily job?

Well I work as a Stores attendant at a trade school

4.)Okay...And do you think that the subject mathematics has anything to do with your daily job if yes why do you think so?

Yes..because the duty of being a stores attendant is things like counting and making sure that I have the correct amount of tools that was used by trainees and workers and simple as counting quantities of items involves mathematics.

5.)Therefore what math related topics do you think is used at your job?

What i can think of at the moment is like the topic "sets"

6.)Cool...Do you think mathematics is important?

Yes.. Because Mathematics is included in nearly everything..

7.)Do you even like the subject mathematics?

Not really but you have to be able to at least understand a little about the subject

8.)How being able to understand maths is relevant to you?

Because simple as the job i have maths is important simple as just counting,counting includes maths because it's dealing with numbers which is mathematics

9.)Do you enjoy being a stores attendant?

Well it is not really what i like to do but it is kind of fun at times

10.)Well we have come to the end of your little interview...So it was a pleasure having you miss Philip.

No Problem and Thank You..and have a great day!!!


Miss Philip is a 39 year old woman who is rather freindly. Miss Philip works at NESC Trade School.She also recently started working there.Before she started attending this current job she worked at the airport as a sales person at Gone Bananas.Philip worked at the airport for 5 years and eventually got laid off.Miss Philip attended Chaguanas Senior Secondary where she built her education life there.Although being a stores attendant and dealing with tools and those type of items is not too her likeness she still finds a joy in it.Miss Philip also passed Mathematics with a pass of 2 in her CXC examination.


Following students was assigned to do research on a mathematician on how each mathematician contributed to the life of mathematics,Students was also required to host an interview through whatever source of communication they chose out of the options given to connect the relevance of mathematics then and now.I was responsible of doing the research on Robert Boyle of  what he was known for of the subject mathematics or what he did to be known as a mathematician.


The relevance of this research on Mr.Robert Boyle is to show others what he has done or what he contributed to the subject mathematics then and now."Robert's appearance was merely the result on simple mathematical laws applied to simple fundamental particles.He was also an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher and theological writer".When "Boyle died he left his papers to the Royal Society to show a series of the work of what he has established,like his lectures etc.Robert Boyle was a scientist but he was also a mathematician.


 Mathematics is basically included in everything that you do,It is important for you to at least understand it because it is needed in your everyday life.This subject everywhere and not everyone can notice.It comes like it is a necessity to in our daily life.My interviewee said it for herself that she doesn't she really like mathematics but she has to know it because it is simply included in her job life.Robert Boyle had shown us how to solve simple mathematical equations.He has done a great piece of mathematics although he was mostly a scientist,but all scientists has a part to play in this subject mathematics.


1.)Principe,Lawrence,Robert Boyle,Britannica,Last updated January 21,2021

2.)MB,Hall,Biography in dictionary of scientific Biography,New York 1970-1990.

3.)Robert Boyle,Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy,January15,2002.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 “The Relevance of Mathematics in Everyday Life, Then and Now”  Sarah Sookram


This blog is based on the topic of “The relevance of Mathematics in everyday life then and now”. The “then” proportion of the blog, consisted of research done on Galileo and his personal life as well as his historical mathematical contributions and the thinking process for which came up with his ideas. As for the “now” aspect of the blog it shows how the theories developed by Galileo and were further expanded upon and, an interview was conducted relating to mathematics and its current real world applications.



       Brief History

Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei was born on 15th February,1564 in Pisa Italy and died on the 8th January 1642 in Arccetri, Italy. He was involved in a lot of professions, but most importantly, he was a mathematician. He enrolled for a medical degree at the University of Pisa, however he didn’t complete this degree but he did do studies on mathematics for quite a while. He was then appointed a position of mathematics at the University of Padua. In 1583 Galileo made a discovery: that each swing of a pendulum, regardless of width, takes an equal amount of time to swing between the extremes of its arc. This suggested that pendulums could be used to mark small intervals of time. The formula for the period T of a pendulum is T = 2π Square root of √L/g. Galileo was interested in gravity, so he began studying it by dropping weights off buildings to prove that by dropping different weights at the same height they will have the same acceleration. He needed to slow down the speed, so he conducted an experiment where he positioned pieces of board at an 60 degree angle however it was too fast, so he repositioned the boards much lower starting from a 30 degree angle. This angle was the prefect angle to measure ratio of time and distance with, reasonable accuracy. With this information Galileo realized that the ratio of the distance covered increased by a sequence of odd numbers such as 1,3,5,7

Picture of Formula for the Period of a Pendulum :




The Interview :

Question: What is your name?

Answer: “Ms. Rose.”

Question: Where do you work?

Answer: My interviewee said “, I am an accountant at Guardian Group”

Question: How long have worked there?

Answer: My interviewee said “, I have worked at Guardian Group foe 3 years”

Question: What are your qualifications in Mathematics

Answer: My interviewee said “ The only qualification in Mathematics I have is a 2 in CXC”

Question: Was Mathematics a determining factor in your career choice?

Answer: My interviewee said “ Surprisingly Mathematics was not a determining factor in my career choice”

Question: Do you use mathematics in your work place?

Answer: My interviewee said “Yes, I do use Mathematics. I use it to calculate the NSIC factor premium for insurance policies as well as calculating the average income policy a person has.”

Question: How has mathematics affected you in your work place.

Answer: My interviewee said “ It has been neutral as the calculations are very easy once the correct information has been provided.”

Question: How has mathematics affected you in everyday life?

Answer: My interviewee said “ Mathematics has effect me in very positive way because I use mathematics in everything I do like playing fetch with my dog.”

Question: Do you use mathematics everyday when you go out?

Answer: My interviewee said “ Yes, I use Mathematics when I go out. I use it to calculate the price on my bills and when I go shopping.”

Question: What  is your favorite topic in Mathematic?

Answer: My interviewee said “My favorite mathematics topic is stimulus equations and circle theorem.”

Question: Why is that your favorite topic?

Answer: My interviewee said “This is my favorite  topic because I love complex equation that can arise however it becomes fairly easy once proper technique is used and circle theorem because my mathematics teacher made a song out of the different rules.”


Discussion :

Galileo’s famous discovery on the mechanics behind the pendulum and its use to mark small intervals of time, is a perfect example of how mathematics that was developed in the past “then” can affect our lives “now” and be relevant in the present as it allowed for the creation of pendulum clock in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens. He used Galileo’s theory for the base of his own creation which influenced the task of time measurement in society. This effect was experienced by our interviewee as she wears a watch to her work place and this is required for her job in respect to time management.  Several years after Galileo had developed his theorems of motion on inclined planes, he adopted the principle of horizontal inertia, this new principle Galileo saw instantaneous velocity and average as increasing steadily with time, meaning that Galileo saw average velocity as proportional to instantaneous velocity. This theoretical evolution was a direct influence of Galileo’s work on projectile motion. This shows how Galileo’ work that he did in the past is relevant in the present currently as projectile motion can be used to describe some of the more common activities that our interviewee performed. An example of this relates to the interviewees daily activities in her leisure time such as playing fetch with her dog, as when the ball is thrown is falls it a parabolic motion and the towards the ground with constant acceleration with relation to time just as described by Galileo.



Conclusion :

In conclusion this blog shows mathematics and its relevance in everyday life, then and now. The “Then” is represented by a mathematician and his historical mathematical contributions and the “now” aspect is symbolized by the interview conducted, showing how past discoveries made are built upon for future research, eventually impacting our current everyday lives. Mathematics is everywhere, however it goes unnoticed by individuals, form the simple action of throwing a ball, to its use in calculating percentage vat on bills. Galileo even noticed it in nature and said “The Laws of Nature are written in the Language of Mathematics”.





References :


Peter, Machamer  "Galileo Galilei", 2005  

           ( )


R, H, Naylor, “Galileo’s Theory of Projectile Motion”  ‎1980        

      ( Galileo's Theory of Projectile Motion on JSTOR )

Albert, Van, Helden, “Galileo”, 2021   

                                                                                                                                                                           ( ).


 Adrian, Johnstone, “Galileo and the Pendulum Clock”   2009

    ( )


Joseph, W, Dauben, “The Art of Renaissance Science” 1991

( )




                                                                                                                                                                    THE RELEVANCE OF MATHEMATICS IN EVERYDAY


                                           THEN & NOW

Done by: Malika Hernandez

Introduction: The relevance of mathematics in our everyday life then and now. I will be conducting a research on the mathematician Aristotle on his contribution to the world of mathematics with a brief history on his life. An interview will also be conducted on my mother on how mathematics plays a major part in her everyday lifestyle. With a conclusion on my intake one mathematics and the interviewing process with this being my first time.

Content: Aristotle was born in 384 B.C in Stagira in northern Greece. He was very young when his parents died, at age 17 he was sent to Plato's Academy in Athens where he spent 20 years. Aristotle's best known contributions were made to Mathematics, Biology, Psychology etc. Aristotle started a school in Lyceum known as Peripatetic school, he also considers geometry arithmetic and also considers most mathematical proofs as a form of universal affirmative syllogism e.g.” two right angles-angles about a point-triangle or right angle-half two right angle semicircle” quoted from a text. He also states every line has a point.


 To show Mathematics is relevant today an Interview will be conducted.


Person’s name: Melissa Hernandez

 Question-Where do you work /what company, how long and what exactly do you do?

Answer-I work for VEMO Ltd. as a merchandiser at various supermarkets for over 3 years.

                My job entitlement is to ensure that my company's product is properly merchandise.

Question-How mathematics plays a part in your everyday job life?

Answer-It plays an important part in my job because its help me calculate the amount of  

               goods that needs to be placed in a certain area with out over pulling which will lead 

               to overworking oneself.

Question-Do you think mathematics is more important now than in the past if so why?

Answer-Yes! Because how the world is getting more advanced in technology wise it is  being shown and proven maths is much needed

Question-What you think will happen to the world without mathematics?

Answer-Things will start to go haywire because maths is in everything

Question-Do you think mathematics makes sense in today’s life?


Question-Do you think mathematics will be useful in the feature and why?

Answer-I cannot predict the feature but yes I believe it will be useful in the feature.

Question-Do you think mathematics is stressful to students if so why?

Answer-Yes, because everyone's learning ability is different, some adapt faster than others.

Question-What is your weakness in mathematics?

Answer-Not being able to comprehend.

Question-What do you like about mathematics?

Answer-That I can be able to do basic calculation of my monthly income without being

                robbed .Therefore if for some reason my salary falls short I can pick up on it and  rectify the situation.

Question-Why mathematics is a disadvantage in your life?

Answer-Because is has become so advanced I was not able to upgrade in the new   mathematical skill.

Question-If you can change one thing about mathematics what would it be?

Answer-Make it more comprehensible so it won’t be stressful .

These images is to show what Melissa

work consist of on a daily basis.



After I conducted the research and interview,

I have come to a realization that  mathematics has a very

  important part to play in our everyday life and without it society

  will have a great downfall.

 Conclusion: The relevance of mathematics is very important in today’s life, we need it to calculate money, height, area, volume etc. We even use it everyday and don’t realize maths is all around us. Today I conducted an interview. It was very interesting. It also makes me look at math  from another point of view; the laws of maths govern everything around us. www.mathunion states (mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor).For my future research I will more than likely will interview more than one person and will like to get a math teacher views. This intake of The Relevance Of Mathematics In Everyday Life.


Plato Stanford Education.(march 26, 2004).retrieved February 22, 2021,from,mathematical%20astronomy%2C%20harmonics%2C%20etc.

History of Aristotle retrieved February 19, 2021 from,(c.%20347%20BC).

Pictures from,






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